My worries for the future…

What are you most worried about for the future?

My main worry is…. Is my daughter going to be okay? is this world going to look after her? is she going to be in a similar position to myself where she’s too afraid to explore and find herself?

I am 29, I have been living life too afraid of what might happen, what could happen, and I’ve not done much with the time I’ve had. Time is a valuable and precious asset to have. There isn’t anything else on this planet that can compare and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Time can be wonderful, watching things grow and blossom and time can be woeful where things must end, things must die. But time has to be treated with mindfulness, it has to be used and enjoyed to the very last drop, worries, stress, turmoil can all get in the way of using up valuable time and without realising it, all that time is gone.

Our lives are so fragile and I don’t want my daughter growing up in a world that is unkind and unfair to her, she’s a magnificent human, I know she’s capable of so many things and I want her to push herself, even where she thinks she can’t, and I want her to have encouragement and love and a family that just simply adores her.

My Motto’s, “Be You, Always” & “practice makes better” & “you are capable of many things” & “love yourself above all”.

“Be you, always”. You don’t need to fit in, you don’t need to be like anyone else. Find your real self, work on it and you will be happy, at the end of the day, the best version of you is YOU. As cheesy as this sounds it’s true.

“Practice makes better”. It’s not ‘practice makes perfect’, you will NEVER find perfection, it’s not possible, but you can always improve, you can always be better than you were before and you can always learn.

“You are capable of many things”. We don’t have just 1 talent, we aren’t born talented nor are we born without one. We must pursue what we enjoy and if we love it enough and put enough heart into it we can do anything. Try and keep trying sometimes it might take longer than others to learn something but we are capable of doing just about anything.

“Love yourself above all”. you need to find the beauty in yourself before you can find the beauty in everything else and care for yourself so you can better care for others.

These things I try to tell my daughter, they are like little rules if you will. I hope that as a child and adult she can believe that she is so capable, so loved and so brilliant. I hope she takes that with her so my worries don’t become her worries and so she will be okay.

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